Friday, December 28, 2007

As 2007 ends....

So, it is almost over. 2007. There have been a good number of good things (my nephew welcoming his first child into the world this past October for one big one) and a few bad things. Typical, really, of any year.

2008...What will it bring? Very good question. I would like it to bring good things for my family and friends. For me, well I would love to be debt free. Not likely to happen unless I suddenly win a lottery or something. So, more realistically...

I hope to sell my house in the next year. Reduce some of my debt. On the fun front I hope to be able to meet a few people I've wanted to meet for some time. Actors, ect. Thad and I might go out on a cruise next summer. Those are always fun. We'll see.

Untill then, everyone take care. Be safe. Stay halthy. And have a wonderful New Year's!

Friday, October 05, 2007

I really must update more

I am terrible at keeping this place up-to-date. I must work on that.

Many things happening, the most excitign being that my sister sent me an e-mail yesterday to let me know that my nephew Allen became a father for the first time yesterday afternoon! I was asked to not tell him that I knew, but Cathy just had to tell someone. :-) "I'm sure he wants to tell you himself, so don't tell him I told you" was the message.

It's great timing, actually. Cathy is a school teacher and they are having a mid-semester break next week. So, she can now spnd that time with Allen, Melissa and her new grandson. Don't know his name yet, tat's something for Allen to share with me.

I'm so happy for them all. Wish I could go visit too, but there will be time for that.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Summer Time

Ah, it has been a while since I last posted, hasn't it? I just spent a few days with my sister Cathy. We haven't seen each other since her husband's funeral in October 2004. We have talked on the phone and through e-mails, but haven't actually spent time together until the other day.

Cathy lives by Kentucky Lake in a beautifully wooded area. I love the place - except for the snakes. Anyone want some rattlesnakes, cottonmouths, or water maccasons? You are more than welcome to have some. I've never actually seen any snakes whenever I've been there. But there was one time my mother and I were staying there and in the middle of the night I rolled over in bed and my arm fell over the edge. Immediately there was a rattle sound from either outside somewhere near their deck or from under the bed. Either way, I was not thrilled. Especially since shortly after I slowly and carefully pulled my arm back onto the bed, the rattle sound stopped. How, you are asking, could there had been a rattle sound under the bed? Easy - at that time, Cathy and Dave often left the glass doors to the deck wide open, screen and all. Even with everyone being the house all day, anything could have gotten in.

But Cathy, Thad and I had four very nice days together - when she wasn't teaching summer school. But when she was, Thad and I just slept. Cathy's house is a great place to just sleep. She even said that is what everyone in the family tells her - "I come here and I just want to sleep and when I do, I sleep so well" We will be going back to see her again in September unless something comes up.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

I have to send out a very big "Thank you" to my friend Toni who scanned in this photo of Thad and I that we had taken in Wisconsin Dells in July 2006. So, for those who might have wondered what we look like - here we are (minus that glasses we both wear)

The Season of Illness

I work for a large retail drug store chain. And this spring has already started off with one of the worst colds I can remember seeing (and having) in years. It comes on rather quickly, making you feel light headed, stuffy, achy and very, very tired. That lasts for several days. Then the just doesn't stop. Both Thad and I have had the coughing for almost two weeks now and while we are getting better, we still cough like crazy. I've talked to some people who have had this cold and they have all said it took about four weeks to be rid of the cough. So, we just keep getting rest, taking cough medicine and drops, drinking lots of liquids and hoping the cough will be just a bit less tomorrow.

In short, if you get this cold (and it does seem to be working it's way around) be prepared for a long recovery.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Return of Sci-Fi Fridays

After a very long, and by no means neccessary, break between first run episodes the shows Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis are returning to American television. It seems the decision makers at Sci-Fi channel thought they had 'wisdom' in breaking the Stargate shows into mini-seasons separated by six months, and fill the time with complete and total crap programming. I wish I could make those kind of idiot decisions and be paid big money to do it. What a nice little scam.

I remember when TV shows were not even aired until most of the episodes were already 'in the can'. Then the episodes were aired each week with perhaps a week or two of repeats late in the season. After the season was over, the repeats of that season held you over until the next started in late September. Yes, late September. Not only that but a complete season consisted of 26 - 32 episodes - not the 20 (or if you are lucky 22) episodes today's television shows boast.

I find it wonderfully ironic that some of the longest running (and still classic) television shows in history - Gunsmoke (635 episodes in 20 years), Bonanza(430 episodes in 14 years), and Dark Shadows (1225 episodes in 5 years) - ran longer seasons, more episodes, were as a whole more entertaining then nearly all of today's television programming, and still produced new episodes all the time. No re-runs in those days.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Just adding a quick note

Okay, it's been awhile and thought I would just do a quick update.

On the not so good front, I am spending about $400 today. Why? Because my car needs a new muffler, exhaust pipes,and catalytic converter (and I know, I spelled that wrong) . Oh...yay... Bad timing, but I can't go without the car for long so no real choice. Blah.

I also skipped over my brother John's birthday on the 5th. I don't know where he is right now - last I heard he was in Nashville, TN. He hasn't had a lot to do with anyone in the family for a while now. My brothers are like that. While my sister and I stay in touch (admittedly not as much as we would like) both of our brothers barely talk to anyone. Just weird. But I do keep in close contact with my nephew Brad (John's son - who was known as one of my 'boyfriends' when he was a child) and Brad keeps me informed of anything major in his dad's life. As does my neice Brenda (John's daughter) whom I keep in touch with. And last I heard, hewas doing well, so ulitmately that is all that matters.

I should go now. Have a great St. Patrick's Day everyone!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Saturday, January 27, 2007

One month down

Janaury is almost over, most of my bills are paid, and we are about to enter the worst month of the year. Febraury has been a bad month for me for a long time. When I was a kid this is when everyone in the family died. No, not really, but it seemed like it from a kid's point of view. Bad weather, and a death in the family was almost all Febraury seemed to represent. But at least it was the shortest month and once it was over, things start to look up. Spring will be coming and all the re-birth feelings with it.

My sister's birthday is Jan. 31. I will be calling her sometime in the next few days. And I can try to set up sometime this summer to visit with her. I haven't visited with her (other than over the phone or e-mail) since her husband died a couple of years ago. Too many other things happening to make the trip. But this year, I am changing things. Must see her and actually take vacation time that involves more than a two day sales pitch (that we bought into anyway!) Must take a week off a couple of times this year and actually go somewhere just for fun.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

So it's a new year and it has started out with some great things happening over on the A Dog's Breakfast movie site! First David announces that he and his girlfriend Jane are engaged (which is ALL the chatter amongst the squirrels!) and now it's been - well, talked about on the forums - that he has created a new TV series to be shown on the Sci-Fi Channel. Watch for Starcrossed. It will be great!

So, yesterday was my brother Roy's birthday. He turned 47. I gues I hope he had a good day. Since he and I don't really talk, it's hard for me to say. (Long story there)

Anyway, I hope everyone has had a good start for the year. May your weather be mild, your bills low and your income high! And check out the link at the right for A Dog's Breakfast movie. It's headed your way thanks to MGM!