Friday, October 05, 2007

I really must update more

I am terrible at keeping this place up-to-date. I must work on that.

Many things happening, the most excitign being that my sister sent me an e-mail yesterday to let me know that my nephew Allen became a father for the first time yesterday afternoon! I was asked to not tell him that I knew, but Cathy just had to tell someone. :-) "I'm sure he wants to tell you himself, so don't tell him I told you" was the message.

It's great timing, actually. Cathy is a school teacher and they are having a mid-semester break next week. So, she can now spnd that time with Allen, Melissa and her new grandson. Don't know his name yet, tat's something for Allen to share with me.

I'm so happy for them all. Wish I could go visit too, but there will be time for that.

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