Sunday, September 07, 2008

Thad's end may be near

Well, it was going to happen. My dear husband (and best friend) has started that downward slide. He was improving, going far beyond the one week they had said he had left to live when they released him from the hospital in June. Now, he is going down.

He can no longer walk or even get himself into a standing position. As a result, we've had a hospital bed brought in. This lets he can relax and get some very much needed sleep. Also, since he can't get up, he has to wear adult diapers and I have to change him. It isn't hard to change diapers on a baby or toddler. But try to do it to a 54 year old man.

He has more problems with confusion and is eating and drinking less all the time. A very common thing when the body starts shutting down. It's hard to tell how much time he has left. Maybe a few weeks, maybe a few months - although weeks seems more like what it will be. For now, we take one day at a time.

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