Thursday, September 28, 2006

Some photos I came across.

While I have been trying to get my new photos of the cats to load onto the blog (and for some reason having trouble..hhhmmm...) I came across these photos from April 2005. These were a couple of pictures I took at a gaming convention in East Peoria, IL called Spring Offensive. I used to work a lot at Spring Offensive, helping run registration, games, organize the thing, other stuff too. But over the last few years, work has had me too busy to spend much time there.

The woman in the wheelchair in the first photo is Sue Kinsinger. Sue was known by a good number of people as 'Mama Sue' since she kind of became everyone's second mother. She died in June of 2005 after a very long, painful battle with cancer. In fact, my pictures where the last taken of Sue - she died about six weeks later. We all miss her a great deal.

The second photo is a piece of artwork at the college the convention was held at. I am a very big fan of Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis, so of course, I felt like these 'rings' looked a lot like Stargates. From what I heard, I was far from being the only one to feel that way. But I'll let you believe they are whatever you think they are. There is no wrong answer.

1 comment:

Misty aka s_aurius said...

They are two stargates!! There is no other answer :p