Thursday, September 28, 2006

Some photos I came across.

While I have been trying to get my new photos of the cats to load onto the blog (and for some reason having trouble..hhhmmm...) I came across these photos from April 2005. These were a couple of pictures I took at a gaming convention in East Peoria, IL called Spring Offensive. I used to work a lot at Spring Offensive, helping run registration, games, organize the thing, other stuff too. But over the last few years, work has had me too busy to spend much time there.

The woman in the wheelchair in the first photo is Sue Kinsinger. Sue was known by a good number of people as 'Mama Sue' since she kind of became everyone's second mother. She died in June of 2005 after a very long, painful battle with cancer. In fact, my pictures where the last taken of Sue - she died about six weeks later. We all miss her a great deal.

The second photo is a piece of artwork at the college the convention was held at. I am a very big fan of Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis, so of course, I felt like these 'rings' looked a lot like Stargates. From what I heard, I was far from being the only one to feel that way. But I'll let you believe they are whatever you think they are. There is no wrong answer.

One Year Later

Here are pictures of Ivanova and Delenn from last year. A bit bigger than the previous pics, but still not at their current sizes.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Two Little Girls...Who Aren't Quite So Little Anymore.

These are Thad's girls, Delenn (on the left) and Ivanova (on the right) back when they were still young kittens, about two years ago. They are named for two characters on "Babylon 5"

Both are half Maine Coon, which means they can continue to grow for another two to three years before being considered 'full grown'. Currently Ivy (Ivanova's nickname) is about 12 - 13 lbs, Lin-lin, (as Delenn is known) is about 19 lbs. And they are not considered - believe it or not - by the vet to be overweight. They are about right for their breed. I should have more recent photos soon. Hope you like.

Just a quick add on.

For anyone who might actually be reading these silly things I've written...I have placed a couple of links on the side to some websites belonging to friends of mine. They are wonderful people and don't be afraid to drop them a line or two if you want. Very friendly.

Wow, I may learn how to do this blog thing yet. ;-)

Friday, September 15, 2006

As the weeekend begins

I haven't posted for a while, so I guess I should put something up. The weekend is beginning and I have to say I'm looking forward to it. Not just because it's the weekend, but because I am offically on vacation from work starting tomorrow. Yea!! That gives me time to start checking out some things with my computer (like how to get my scanner to actually scan pictures to my mainframe so I can maybe, possible, hopefully one day post some here. And I can spend some time catching up on other blogs and sights I like to read. Not to mention CLEAN THE HOUSE!! NNNNOOOOOO!!!!!! Never that.

I should spen this week also writing e-mails and call my sister as I haven't talked to her in a long time. I think about doing it a lot. But she is a school teacher and since I work third shift, she's art work whenI'm awake and by the time she gets home,I'm asleep. When I'm at work, she' s asleep. Kind of a bad little cycle there, but it happens.

Okay, I'll post some more tomorrow, or the next day. Sometime soon anyway. Maybe I'll get some pics up too. With luck. Bye for now.