Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Almost one year....

So next Thursday makes one year since my husband Thad passed away. Really not looking forward to that day. I have a friend in a local theater production of "Lost in Yonkers" and they have a performance that night so I may go to that. Or I may go to the matinee on Sunday instead. All I know for sure, is that one day next week, I am going to visit Thad's grave.

On to happier news: Vacation. I really don't go on a true vacation - or at least haven't in many years. I will take days off work and might make a small trip for a weekend or something, but at the end of the month I am going on my first real vacation for...oh, I can't remember how long. Where am I going? Hawaii! For a week. Never been there and I am both excited and scared at the same time. It should be an adventure - hopefully of the good kind.