Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Thad continues to remain with us

Just putting in a brief post. My dear husband (long time boyfriend) Thad continues to be here, even though the doctors had orginally given him only a week to live - over a month ago. We have had our one month anniversary (we married on June 12)

It seems a bit strange to be counting your anniversary in weeks and months rather than years, but considering that we had originally planned to count our time together in hours and days, I will definately take the weeks and months. Can we reach counting it in years? By every account - no. Thad has onlya short ime left, that is certain. What isn't certain is exactly how long. When he first was in the hospital, they thought maybe four months. Then if became maybe a week. Now he is beyond that prediction.

I am not working right now. I am on family leave to help care for Thad. No one else can be with him overnight and that is when I work (10PM - 8AM) I am off for three months, which puts my return to work date as mid-September. As things stand now, Thad may well still be here then. If he is, and ifI still need to be home with him, we'll see if I can change my work schedule to during the days and maybe part time. Not sure right now and I will deal with that when the time comes.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Updates and Changes

My friends whose baby had the cancer of the liver unfortuntely lost that baby a few weeks ago. Everything was tried, but nothing helped. The cancer was just too much. They are working thru their grief and looking at future children. Both their own biological children and adoption. Their son, even though he is gone now, touched so many people. His father is currently workng on writing a book about the whole experience. I think I'll be one of the first to get it when he gets it out. I'm sure I'll laugh and cry all over again.

If you've been to my blog space before, you know I have always been Becky S. Now I'm Becky L. My long time boyfriend and I finally got married. And did so in a very short amount of time. The reason for the quick marriage: he's dying. His liver is failing and we don't know how much time he has left. At one time the doctors thought he had about a week. But that was three weeks ago. He is still here, so we take each day as it comes. For now, just having the time together is all that matters.