Friday, December 28, 2007

As 2007 ends....

So, it is almost over. 2007. There have been a good number of good things (my nephew welcoming his first child into the world this past October for one big one) and a few bad things. Typical, really, of any year.

2008...What will it bring? Very good question. I would like it to bring good things for my family and friends. For me, well I would love to be debt free. Not likely to happen unless I suddenly win a lottery or something. So, more realistically...

I hope to sell my house in the next year. Reduce some of my debt. On the fun front I hope to be able to meet a few people I've wanted to meet for some time. Actors, ect. Thad and I might go out on a cruise next summer. Those are always fun. We'll see.

Untill then, everyone take care. Be safe. Stay halthy. And have a wonderful New Year's!